Thursday 20 January 2011


The aim of Arto is to asses the audiences inner animal through the act of cruelty, hint why it is commonly refered to as the theatre of cruelty. He affects his audience with the use of the five senses. The whole idea of the inner animal is that without society we are all animals but it is hidden away in our subconcious.
In the play metamorphesis the man because he was constantly rushing/ scurrying around after the needs of his family. An exercise we did was to go into groups and create an emotion using just our breathing and our voice. Through this we found that you breathing can actually affect the audiebces heart to make them feel the emotion with you. Some themes in Arto are ritualism, naturalism, surrealism and expressionism. Also to create the idea that monsters are real and they should be feared.

Has a link to Butoh how you access the subconcious however it is switch so that the adience in arto help what the butoh performer feels.

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